Empowering Entrepreneurs

Through Community Involvement

three men sitting while using laptops and watching man beside whiteboard
three men sitting while using laptops and watching man beside whiteboard
Loan Review Committee 2024- Present

RISE Asset Development – Toronto, ON

The Rise Small Business Lending Program provides access to low-interest business loans and access to mentorship to those entrepreneurs with mental health and addictions challenges. As a committee member, alongside other Loan Review Committee members and staff, I offer adjudication recommendations and decisions for lending program applications.

people standing inside city building
people standing inside city building
Innovation Committee Member 2023- Present

Arthritis Society – Toronto, ON

The Innovation Committee is a volunteer group wo help support the Arthritis Society’s 3 pillars of their Innovation Strategy including 1. Research, 2. Social Impact and 3. Ideator Program.

white concrete building under blue sky during daytime
white concrete building under blue sky during daytime
black nikon dslr camera on white printer paper
black nikon dslr camera on white printer paper
Mentor Girls E-Mentorship (GEM) – Toronto, ON 2023- Present

GEM offers an evidence-based mentorship program for high school girls facing socioeconomic barriers. The program builds students' leadership and professional skills, enabling them to achieve their academic and career potential.

Mentor - Startup Women Program 2023- Present

Startup Canada

Startup Women is a free annual program that honours the contributions and achievements of women entrepreneurs to the Canadian economy. A program that brings together leading women-identifying entrepreneurs, government, and industry partners through tailored events and initiatives such as advisory support, networking, and skills-building workshops.

Ex-Officio Member of the Board Brampton Angels - Brampton, ON 2023- Present

Part of inaugural Board of Directors for Brampton area angel group. Supported the development of group, sponsorship raising process and hiring process of group manager.

two people drawing on whiteboard
two people drawing on whiteboard